- The MAXCT Project has started
- The NEO group is working in the CTPATH and HITUL Applications
- First HITUL Protype is delivered.
- First CTPATH Protype is delivered.
- Final HITUL application is delivered.
- Final CTPATH application is delivered.

HITUL Application
In the HITUL Application - Holistic Intelligente for Traffic Urban Lights Application - we plan to automatically generate optimal cycle programs of traffic urban lights. Optimal scheduling of traffic lights, and in particular optimal light cycle programs, is also a crucial task in actual cities with potential benefits in terms of energy consumption, traffic flow management, pedestrian safety, and environmental issues. Unlike new decentralized self-regulated lights, or traditional queue based systems, the use of metaheuristic algorithms to find successful cycle programs of traffic lights is still an open issue.

In this application, we focus on an extensive urban area of Malaga city (in Spain) for the case study. We use the well-known SUMO (Simulator of Urban Mobility) traffic simulator, which offers a constant source of information about the vehicle's flow: velocity, fuel consumption, emissions, journey time, etc., giving rise to congurations of realistic scenarios according to real patterns of mobility. SUMO requires several input files that contain information about the traffic and the streets to be simulated. A topology network holds the information about the structure of the map: nodes, edges, and connections between them. The network should be as real as possible to have a realistic simulation to analyse.
- Guia de Entregables (ES)
- Diseño Técnico (ES)
- Gestión y tareas (ES)
- Primer prototipo de HITUL (ES)
- Competidores y estado del arte (ES)
- Ventajas sobre los competidores (ES)
- Análisis de las necesidades Software (ES)
- Análisis de las necesidades Hardware (ES)
- Aplicación final HITUL (ES)
- Informe final (ES)
- Prototype #1(ES)